One stitch in the fabric of history.
Ben Venue Farm,
Rappahannock County, Virginia
Once known as Gains' Crossroad, Ben Venue Farm was established in 1805. The two-story brick house and slave quarters were constructed by a local builder, James Leake Powers with bricks made on the premises.
The farm is on the Virginia Historical Landmark Register, National Register of Historic Places and on the Civil War Trail.
Home of the Old Dominion Hounds Point to Point Horse Races.

Artist Richard Cozier painted the landscapes of Ben Venue’s main house and Slave Quarters in 2014.

Artist Richard Cozier painted the landscapes of Ben Venue’s main house and Slave Quarters in 2014.

Farm Products. (Beef Cattle, Freezer Beef, Pork etc..)
Artist Hive..
Please inquire by phone if you have any questions.

Ben Venue Farm continues to thread her story into the quilt of life.